trade station

Saturday, February 12, 2005


lindsay lohan is her 13
I am gone
lindsay lohan is 15
I tried that twice
lindsay lohan is 16
I am building the nastiest thing on earth
lindsay lohan is the hottest alive
I am on wonderful daily
lindsay lohan is now 15 years

jelling style

come we must go to after thinking. we must stir attitude cough, it's our panel. we must screen need on a basis, don't talk about closing time. snap like fracture for a diligent pop, then fret of scuff. rustic symphonies are filmed at terrible, but that's not our mine. our means taking clash, as still tho comes to snow. chucked at the bending stare, as if we could goal long. come, then, pinnacle. a favour is constant. rubber necking stumps of theory go further when you riled. you are trusted by delivery, neat as caution, bound for glowing. half a nature stings inside the trading station. means of needless begins at verse forum. we must get over that. the paragraph isn't still.

Friday, January 14, 2005

people set blowing then rode words over against that they started hardened that they'll finish tricks of steering and vsion in blue but natural rading of if comes lapping altered distraction factor makes me sad what say you?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

visual cue

a grange syllabus for effort, when we felt constrained. we looked at dad, the meaning of interest while wearing a tie. the tie signified a generation felt more home. there becomes (then or now) a mothering father or more, when you have time inside. inside is when you agree. you and me, with taking hold and only our hands mean anything. a word isn't really cousin to anything yet, but we like to think. we like to point at the truth of black, or green, sometimes. awake and shining, for the effect becomes residual when delivered, like a stream before the melt completes. we have our hands, and the certainty of naming. we marry our days, and into them see long shadows. those shadows are beautiful, with just theory showing example. when we feel implored, it's another day! another even might follow. we could institute some plan, trade off worry for a few drinks of coldest water, and wait for spring. does that sound nice, like a smile, the recognition we've always really had. slyly, some other words attend the moment too.

a poem like crazy until it was just the colour of grass. the playing of instant, while words resumed some set, bridging, token inference. we stayed late into the day, provoking ideas and tides. we felt useful in certain crumbs and the nature of dark snow on the bending aloofness of whichever nearest looming tree caught our eye. sullen and distinct while a few snatches of song alight in deference to a moment or two. departure includes many details, but love seems to round out the pleasure of just speaking together. we have our time, after all, tho time has us. a poem beyond a word suffices, until we can all hold hands again.

Friday, January 07, 2005

I have made a list of
things you can do
that will tell me that
you love me

I call it
a strategy
so you won't
lose hope

Saturday, December 18, 2004

ambiguity as a structure resists most temperature sheers, yet includes utmost productivity in forensic loss. the people sleep like daisies, yet never suppose the language that could sleep like daisies, only the sleeping daisies. a choir of interests hangs over the sediment particular of this matter while we wait.

went on farming what couldn't be trade. left off the ration stopping as a run in. raid wouldn't last. these notes try a glassiness, until the morn finds its still. still brings us watered noun, down to our town. think of something grafted onto the last thought, open door. farmed that. stayed awake with that. slept thru that. need more rain. wind isn't right. we have stayed in nation too long.

Friday, December 17, 2004

the closing of suddenness upon last ditch momentum surely riled the varmints in Tarzan's dream. Jane noticed plump flowering military dragons in the east of everything and woke the charge. settlement of pleasant words were said. this is the latest movie to have everything, and everything else. Tarzan gave some indication, and Jane helped with the civilized pars. the movie was strict about redemption, and caring about caring. the windows of the world hung open until the entire jungle said the same word. we were reading it yesterday...

there was twice the blitz as we sing thru. momentary story hung on outrage, or mere outage, something that crops up. tunes filled the pillows of the sleepers on request. something shabby indicates the list toward language. maybe it's the call inside the drama fund period. trump to know many same easy, once.

nothing left. we announced it. the significant payload as of looking sphere, the imploding crash, the way the pieces flicker after all bombs. wordless trail means often slowing thru definition tinges and trying to learn out. out has all the possible connections, we surmise, and rough machinery in our kin. the trend towar only aggravates certain known callings. the bear is in the hills, waiting. we've written enough.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

reboot goat: the farm tender remains your clatter. mung bean reliance, there on the pond scope, there for tree skill. justice creeping suspect appending rules reeks mainly. duff kindling retrains the mooning scattered along scruff pathways. means of dilgence go onto language scan. it's a closer with a roof.this is the viscous launch at most of the extreme.